
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Naruto Ch. 611 vs. Bleach Ch. 518 SPOILY SPOILERS!!

And now for the latest installment of my incredibly inconsistent Naruto vs. Bleach...chatty...bloggy...thing.  Whatever, who needs a title for it anyway, on to the show!

Naturally, there are SPOILERS.  If you don't want things SPOILED, then piss off! 

Naruto Ch. 611

Actually, this week's chapter wasn't too terribly exciting.  More fighting, blah blah blah.  Oh, but there was this though:

It looks like this chapter is leading somewhere.  Pretty much the whole Shinobi Alliance has arrived to kick Obito's ass.  Now Kishimoto-sensei, my dear, please take note of this.  If you're bringing all these mammajammas into the action, you need to deliver some major awesomeness.  I'm expecting battle of epic proportions.  Don't disappoint me, now!  I don't think there's much else to say about this one.  This chapter felt more like a lead-in for what's to come.  Oh, and btw, I was thinking just the other day that we haven't seen hide nor hair of Orochimaru since his revival.  I was kinda excited about that one.  I wonder when we'll get back to that.  This battle had better be so effin' awesome that I forget all about whatever's going on with our snakey friend.

Bleach Ch. 518

Ok, it hs seriously been months since I was excited about a new Bleach chapter.  This whole business with the Quincies has just made no sense.  The Quincies have been hiding out for two hundred years, biding their time and building their forces, and now they're back, and oopsie poopsie, whaddaya know, they just happen to be so strong that they can plow through vice-captain and captain level shinigami, and even kill off Yama-jii?  INCONCEIVABLE!  (Note, that word must be said with a Vizzini voice).  It's just weak story-telling.  I know that shounen manga requires one to have to suspend belief a little bit, but Kubo has done a fair job of keeping things pretty damn solid thus far.  Why drop the ball now? 

Hopefully, with the recent revelations, we're starting to see where this may be going.  We've got Quincy-Leader-Guy (CBF to remember his name...) paying a visit to Aizen, and let's face it, we knew he'd be back because 1) he's not friggin' dead, and 2)  Kubo wanted to end the series with Aizen's defeat and have him die.  The fact that he kept him alive after being pressured to keep the series going means that he still needs Aizen for whatever it is he's planning in this arc.  So I was expecting that to happen sometime, and that sometime is now.  Aizen has been a fun villain.  So far, the Quincies suck.  They've haven't been developed at all.  Perhaps something a little more interesting is about to go down. 

Then there's the reveal that Ichigo's mum was a Quincy.  That fact in itself isn't all that exciting, but it holds the promise that all this shit is gonna find its way back to Isshin Kurosaki and everything that went down when he lost his powers and left the Soul Society.  THAT'S what I wanna know about!  We already know that Isshin knows um...Ryuugen?  Was that his name?  You know, Uryuu's pops.  They know each other, so we know that Isshin knew at least one Quincy back in the day.  Simply put, I'm eager to see where all this is gonna go.

Now that I've said all that, lemme dig into this chapter.  First, there's this:

THERE!  In the second panel!  PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, tell me that's who I think it is?  Maybe it's just wishful thinking.  I've been waiting for ages for Grimmjow to come back.  It's gotta be him, right?  Grimmjow would totally call Ichigo a bastard, right?  And Ichigo's worried that he could be causing trouble for the good guys, so that means whoever it is must be a bad guy, right?  Well....Grimmjow was a bad guy...  And he's not dead.  And he's in my top five Bleach characters.  PLEASE BE HIM!!  Just the possibility that it could actually be Grimmjow made me break out my fangirl hands over this page.  Scary shit, man.

But that's not all!  Theeeeeen, there's THIS:

TSUKISHIMA!!  GINJOU!!!!  And Giriko, but whatever on him.  I have to say that somehow, I totally missed the return of those characters.  Um, hello Kim!  They were human they died.  In the Bleachiverse, where do humans go when they die?  The motherfucking Soul Society.  Where the hell else would they be?  Why the hell didn't I think they could come back?  I was disappointed when they died in the first place.  I wondered how we'd ever get the story of what happened to Ginjou. I mean, I knew the story would be told, but I had rather hoped that Ginjou would have been the one to tell it.  I'm so glad that they're back.  I'm sure you can gather that I rather liked them.  Not as excited about the return of Shukaku and Ganju.  I mean, they're alright.  It was fun and retro there for a minute.  Plus, since it's been friggin' years since Kubo-sensei has drawn them, it's interesting to see them rendered in his new, more-polished art style. 

Anyway, I came away from this chapter feeling a little giddy.  I'm looking forward to where we're going from here! :D

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