
Friday, June 1, 2012

Cage of Eden 155 + Silver Spoon 41

Cage of Eden Ch. 155

Not much happened in this chapter.  If you take a peek at my review, you'll see that I don't think much of this series.  So why do I read it?'s no skin off my back to see how it ends, so I go ahead and read the new releases.

Oomori-san really needs to open her mouth about the writing on the tower.  Everyone is trying to figure out "the mysteries of the island."  I don't really get why she hasn't mentioned the inscription to anyone.  You know, that is a rather curious piece of information.  Granted, it was revealed a chapter or two ago, so nothing new was really introduced here, but still, it does make one wonder.  I don't spend too much time theorizing about Cage of Eden, but let's look at what info we have.  The only thing relatively interesting in this chapter was the discussion about when the facilities on the island were built.  If everything was built during WWII, then was the tower inscribed at that time?  If Miina died in 1940s, then who is this Miina?  Perhaps she's not the first Miina Isaragi.  Maybe her family funded the operation and a grandmother of hers or something that shared the same name died there.  That seems too simple though.  So let's assume that the "R.I.P. Miina Isaragi" actually refers to the Miina with the group.  Perhaps she died, and her family has spent all this time trying to use the research gathered on that island to try to recreate her?  That would explain why Miina has no memories and why she knows so much about the indigenous species.  Was she actually on the plane that crashed?  I can't remember.  Fake Miina said that he was hired to dress like her for security reasons, right?  It's been a while since I read it, and I wasn't immersed enough in the world for it to stick, so some of my facts could be skewed.  Did he say that the real Miina was on the plane?  If so, did he meet her?  I guess I could look these things up, but I just don't really care to.  Damn you, Cage of Eden, for not being interesting enough!

I can't really see how they're gonna force Nishikiori to perform an impromptu surgery on Kurusu-sensei.  He's clearly got a few screws loose.  Maybe they'll strike another deal with him, much like Yarai originally did.  Don't know.  Not sure that I care.  Moving on!

Silver Spoon Ch. 41

Ya know, with each chapter, I like this series a little more.  It might bore action fans, but I think it delivers in other ways.  Arakawa-sensei has demonstrated (with Fullmetal Alchemist) that she understands how to write believable characters.  I'm growing rather attached to Hachiken.  I never really would have expected myself to enjoy a manga about life at an agricultural high school, but I guess it's not really about that, is it?  It's about a kid learning who he is and learning to embrace different cultures.  I like how that is reflected in his relationship with Chestnut.  That was the main idea of today's chapter.  Your horse isn't a tool, it's your partner, and you need to think of yourself as part of a team.  There isn't much to discuss about this chapter.  It's pretty simply stated.  In the next chapter, will Hachiken strengthen his bond with Chestnut and finally clear the jump?  As exciting as it doesn't sound, I'm actually looking forward to it.  :)

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