
Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm Still Alive...and Reading.

Why the lack of updates?  First, there was the hitch with my next entry in my backlog of reviews.  I was having trouble choosing an image to use for Imadoki, the next in line.  That's a stupid reason to get stalled.  Now, I'm thinking that maybe I should just grab whatever pops up, and to hell with whether it tickles my fancy.  Meh.  The next hitch was that I was having trouble writing the review for the "latest" read (at the time), Kekkaishi.  I have a lot of thoughts on Kekkaishi, and unfortunately, nothing is really coming out of me and into my word processor.  I'll try to work a little harder on this.

I'm reading Please Save My Earth now.  I suppose I'm a little late getting on that one, but better late than never, eh?  I chose it as next to read more or less at random.  So far, I'm really enjoying it.  I've still got quite a ways to go!

In other news, I found out something that gave me a super sad face. :(  When I went to order Vol. 12 of Goong, I saw that Vol. 13 was still listed as available for pre-order, despite the fact that it was supposedly released on May 22nd of this year.  Wait a minute.  That's not right.  I popped into Yen Press's website and found that further releases of Goong have been postponed for the time being.  As far as I know, it hasn't been officially dropped, but...  C'mon.  Something tells me that it's not going to recover from this and magically find its way to my shelf.  Dammit!  I love Goong!  I want the whole damn series!  Plus, where Yen Press has stopped, they've really left ChaeKyung and Shin in a pickle!  You can't do thaaat!!  Shit.  Another one bites the dust, I guess.  Still, there is a part of me that's gonna hold out and hope for its continuation.  Ya hear that, Yen Press?  Here's one more person in demand!  Blaaaarg...

Oh, and in case you didn't notice, I quickly saw that trying to keep up with all of the new chapters I was reading just wasn't gonna work.  There's just too many.  I'm gonna try to limit it to any meaningful chapters that I feel the need to discuss.  I realized that it's too late for a couple of recent ones (Naruto and Gakuen Alice, specifically).  I'll try to be more timely.  Yeah, like that will happen...

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